what happened to my ottawa gop?

Over the previous year I've had the privilege of being in conversation with a handful of well established Republicans in Ottawa County to help me understand the state of local politics. The central question that I wanted to answer — and understand from their point of view — was:

What happened to my Ottawa GOP?

Since Ottawa Impact, a far-right political group, swept the majority of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners in 2023 they've made sweeping decisions that have left Ottawa County’s 300,000+ residents on a political razor’s edge. These self-styled "vetted" Republicans have made numerous decisions which have led to a handful of lawsuits and cost tax-payers nearly $1 million dollars. Their constant exclusion and derision of those who differ from them has voters and candidates alike working to vote them out in 2024.

What you'll hear from these unedited long-format conversations taken from my Common Good Conversations podcast is courage, boldness, passion, humility, and most importantly a clarion call to return to a body politic that is good for all of us; and not just some of us.

Finally, my hope is that these conversations will help you become a more informed voter as you cast your ballot during August 6th's Republican Primary Election.

For the Common Good,

Nick Brock, Executive Director

republican candidates say the ottawa gop asked them to drop out of primary election

Ottawa County Republican candidates called a press conference to respond to and reject the Ottawa County GOP’s executive committee’s — which is controlled by Ottawa Impact — outrageous and hypocritical assertion that they withdraw from their campaign.