confronting Ottawa Impact’s christian nationalism.

christian nationalism is about how government uses it’s power to advocate for, derive it’s authority from, or grant privilege to christianity; which can lead to support for or indifference to democratic backsliding.

confronting ottawa impact’s christian nationalism addresses how they use government power to advocate for, derive their authority from, and grant privilege to christianity; which has led to support for or indifference to democratic backsliding.

confronting christian nationalism is not about stopping ottawa impact from exercising faith in the public square.

what is christian nationalism?

In What is Christian Nationalism? Nick Brock and Shawn Skinner have a conversation with Doug Pagitt, Executive Director, of Vote Common Good about how to talk with those who share different political perspectives, what Christian Nationalism is, and how to discuss it without fear mongering.

In How to Defend Democracy from its Christian Enemies Nick talks with David Gushee the author of a new book called Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies. The Rev. Prof. Dr. David Gushee is Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University and is one of America's leading Christian ethicists.

a majority — 63% — of ottawa county voters support separation of church and state

According to a 2024 Ottawa County Voter survey respondents were read two different statements and asked which one they agreed with more. Nearly two-thirds supported the first statement:

63.6%, “There should be a separation between the church and the state. While it is important for elected leaders to follow their faith, they should separate their personal religious beliefs from their actions as elected officials so that they can represent people of all different faiths.”

31.6%, “The problem with government is not too much religion, it is that there is not enough religion. Elected leaders should follow the scripture and let religious beliefs be their guide in decision making.”

The United States Constitution makes clear in the First Amendment that the country wasn’t founded for Christians or to prefer Christians,

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof…”

Furthermore, the Constitution also created a system of government open to people of any faith since Article VI prohibits any religious test for supporting the U.S Constitution,

“…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States”

Without this separation the government can use it’s power to advocate for, derive it’s authority from, or grant privilege to a particular religion.

ottawa impact rejects separation of church and state

Speaking at a press conference former Ottawa Impact Commissioner Lucy Ebel made clear how she makes no distinction between her role as an elected official and her religious beliefs:

“Jesus is Lord over Ottawa County! Jesus is Lord over Ottawa County! Jesus is Lord over Ottawa County!” — Lucy Ebel

Reinforcing this rejection of separating church and state Ottawa County Board Chairperson, and President of Ottawa Impact, Joe Moss remarked on his Facebook page,

“I’m proud to support Lucy Ebel because she stands firm on her convictions. America needs leaders like Lucy. She has not wavered from her convictions or her campaign promises while serving on the Board.” — Joe Moss

The Ottawa Impact website also showed support for Commissioner Ebel’s efforts,

[Ebel] has begun to course correct Ottawa County back to its roots of faith, family, and freedom. Commissioner Lucy Ebel has worked diligently to represent the values of the families in District 2.

Ottawa Impact used the power of a government through an elected official to advocate for and privilege Christianity as a county wide religion. This is unconstitutional and leads to democratic backsliding.

Ottawa County: center of the swirl for Christian Nationalism

At a Confronting Christian Nationalism training event Doug Pagitt of Vote Common Good and Nick Brock of Vote Common Good-West Michigan explained what Christian Nationalism is using examples from national politicians and county officials.

“Should someone say ‘Jesus is Lord’? If you believe it, you should shout it from the rooftops. But if you are a county commissioner (and) speaking in your role as a county commissioner, it is not an appropriate place for that personal declaration.” - Doug Pagitt

a majority of ottawa county VOTERS — 50% — PREFER THE previous COUNTY SLOGAN OF “WHERE YOU BELONG”

Voters were read two different statements during the 2024 Ottawa County Voter survey and asked which one they prefer more. Voters preferred the previous county slogan by 15 points over Ottawa Impact’s new slogan of “Where Freedom Rings” (34%).

  • 49.8%, Ottawa County: Where You Belong

  • 34.1%, Ottawa County: Where Freedom Rings

  • 16.1%, Did not like either/Both/No opinion

Of these voters Independents strongly preferred “Where You Belong” (54%) while college voters overwhelmingly (60%) agreed with them. Voters were also asked if Ottawa Impact had made the county more welcoming or less welcoming. A significant portion of voters responded that Ottawa Impact had made the county less welcoming:

  • 41.1%, Less welcoming

  • 29.1%, More welcoming

  • 12.9%, No change

  • 18.9%, No opinion

In a county with deep Christian roots, where nearly half the people ascribe to a religion (44%)*, the voters of Ottawa County support community belonging over partisan political statements.

*2020 U.S. Census Data

traditional, historical, american?

When asked during an interview to explain what “American values” means to her, Ottawa Impact co-founder and Ottawa County Vice Chairperson Sylvia Rhodea responded,

“It’s being a little bit more of a traditional, historical, American.”

Rhodea’s answer carries nativist assumptions long held in Christian Nationalism. Nativism suggests that American civic belonging is more genuinely reflected in real Americans — traditional and historical Americans — those who are native-born, are white, have hetero-sexual families, and profess Christianity.

Rhodea goes on further to explain how Ottawa Impact’s view of “Judeo-Christian values” which is a part of Ottawa Impact’s Contract with Ottawa , is connected to American identity,

“When we talk about Judeo-Christian values we’re talking about America; because America was founded on these values…we believe in the roots of America.”

Christian Nationalism contends that American identity and Christian identity are inextricably bound together and that any deviation from this is unbecoming American values.

Ottawa Impact values and promotes a Christian nationalist view of America predicated on a sentimental longing for the past. In other words, to “Make Ottawa Great Again.”

ottawa impact promotes religious discrimination

In October 2023 the Reverend Jared of Saint John’s Episcopal Church filed a federal lawsuit claiming Board Chair Joe Moss of Ottawa Impact was using his position to “endorse a particular set of religious beliefs and exclude a particular set of religious beliefs.” That November Moss invited Cramer to give an invocation in February which Cramer accepted. This prompted an amended complaint from Cramer noting that he was only contacted by the county to deliver a prayer after initiating litigation.

“There's an alternative Christian voice in Ottawa county that's currently actively being suppressed by the board," — Reverend Cramer

While Ottawa Impact denied the allegations the attorney for Rev. Cramer, Sarah Riley-Howard, said Ottawa Impact has undercut its own argument when Commissioner Roger Belknap led a “one-man protest” by placing a sign reading “” in front of him. Belknap later confirmed in an interview with The Grand Rapids Press he displayed the sign because Cramer was leading the prayer.

“Commissioner Belknap’s actions provide further evidence (the board) did not previously have a non-discriminatory policy or practice, that they cannot be trusted to follow their recently enacted policy without a court order, and that (Cramer's) religious beliefs and public statements were in fact the motivation for (the board's) prior refusal to allow (Cramer) to lead the prayer."

Belknap also violated the board’s newly adopted invocation policy according to Riley-Howard where the rule states that the intention is “to acknowledge and express the Board’s respect for the numerous religious denominations and faiths represented and practiced among the citizens of Ottawa County.”

“Commissioner Belknap voted to approve the policy less than two months ago, and yet, the first time the Commission allowed a prayer-giver who does not share his beliefs, Commissioner Belknap went out of his way to violate it. Commissioner Belknap’s sign was intended to demonstrate his lack of respect for Plaintiff’s views, and it had its intended effect.” — Riley-Howard legal filing

Several months later the Satanic Temple of West Michigan put the new invocation policies to the test. Following this invocation Ottawa Impact announced through Commissioner Allison Miedema,

“Public comments…focused on Scripture and sharing truths about Jesus, the Son of God, as well as the importance of believers getting involved in the public square, exposing lies, and sharing the truth. There were some terrific comments.

Commissioner Miedema also went on to place emphasis on the Ottawa County Republican Party declaring 2024 the Year of the Bible.

Ottawa Impact used government power to advocate for and privilege the religion of Christianity which has led to democratic backsliding through religious discrimination.

what is the satatnic temple of west michigan?

In Why did a Satanist "enter the chat" about Ottawa Impact? Nick and Shawn had the privilege of being in conversation with Bender Bones an ordained minister from the Satanic Temple of West Michigan. Bender gained attention for his public comments at an Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting to address Ottawa Impact's resolution to become a so-called Constitutional County.

In Satan enters the chat (again) after giving the invocation at the OCBOC meeting Nick and Shawn had the privilege of being in conversation with lifelong resident of Ottawa County Reverend Luis Cypher, a minister of Satan and co-head of the Satanic Temple of West Michigan. Reverend Cypher gave the invocation at the April 23rd Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting.

a coalition of faith voters support the common good

Over the previous year a coalition of 12 faith communities, 40 pastors, and nearly 500 signatories signed onto a statement that strives to support policies and programs which benefit all of their neighbors and speak out against those which do not. The goal of the statement was to provide an alternative Christian voice for those who wish to stand united against Ottawa Impact and who find the theology of Ottawa Impact antithetical to the gospel of Jesus Christ:

“We, the Ottawa Coalition of Unifying Christians (OCUC), a coalition of congregations, clergy, and Christians in Ottawa County, believe God calls us to take a public stand on issues that impact the common good of all residents of this County. Our churches do not endorse or reject individual candidates for public office, but do strive to support policies and programs which benefit all of our neighbors and speak out against those which do not.” — Statement from Unifying Christians of Ottawa County

Taking a public stand for the common good of all Ottawa County residents resembles:

  • Affirming the sacred dignity of every human being no matter their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, economic status, religion, background or ability.

  • Believing that the rights of each individual are intended for the personal and common good.

  • Supporting the proper separation between church and state as one of the constitutional foundations of our country.

  • Believing that our nation’s founding was predicated upon freedom of religion and celebrate the way that founders of a variety of faith traditions (and those with secular worldviews) sought to create a more perfect union.

  • Celebrating that households take many shapes and forms in Ottawa County and supporting parents as they seek to navigate the world for those in their care.

  • Supporting the healing and reconciling work previously performed by Ottawa County’s Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

  • Valuing good stewardship of resources, financial and human, and reject personnel decisions and other actions which have brought unnecessary legal, organizational, and other costs onto all the residents of Ottawa County.

  • Giving thanks for the achievements of our Ottawa County Health Department and the work of organizations that provide needed health services.

You can join the coalition here.

what is the unifying christians of ottawa county?

In A priest's religious discrimination lawsuit and the creation of a Christian coalition in Ottawa County Nick Brock and Shawn Skinner talk with Rev. Jared Cramer of St. John's Episcopal Church (Grand Haven) who also sits on the Steering Committee of the Ottawa Coalition of Unifying Christians. Rev. Cramer talks about what religious discrimination looks like at the hands of Ottawa Impact, and how 12 faith communities in Ottawa County are unifying around the common good.

ottawa impact promotes divine authoritative rule over government

Ottawa Impact and the Ottawa County Republican Party have hosted fundraising events and participated in videos that endorse a book called The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government by Matthew J. Trewhella. Throughout the book Trewhella describes how Christians can leverage the Bible to resist acts of perceived immorality when government acts in rebellion to God. Justification for these actions of resistance — to include violence — rely heavily upon a world-view that lesser-magistrates are divinely-sanctioned by God and have superior authority in government over non-Christians. The book as a whole gives permission for Christians to use government power in an effort to advocate for, derive authority from, and grant privilege to Christianity.

Excerpts from the book include the following:

“The authority an individual possesses [in] government is delegated authority. In other words, they derive their authority from God. Their authority is not autonomous or unconditional. Their authority is God-given, and thus, they have a duty to govern in accordance with His rule (pg., 11).”

“Our loyalty is to Christ first — not man, not the State. So when the civil government makes unjust or immoral laws or policies, we obey Christ, not the State. Christianity acts as a check to tyranny. Christians are the best citizens (pg. 28).”

Summarily, Trewhella’s body of work come with a warning for those who have adopted so-called modern American Christianity and concludes that this form of Christianity “is coming to an end.”

Ottawa Impact’s promotion of Christian Nationalism leads to government powers advocating for, deriving it’s authority from, and granting privilege to Christianity.

what is the doctrine of the lesser magistrates?

In Why is a 16th Century Document inspiring Ottawa Impact? Nick Brock talks with Anna Rosensweig, associate professor of French and the Director of the Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies at the University of Rochester, about why a 16th-century tradition called the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates is attracting activists on the Christian right — including Ottawa Impact.

In What Does 16th Century Christian Resistance and Rebellion have to do with 21st Century Politics? Nick Brock talks with Glenn Moots, Professor and Department Chair of Political Science and Philosophy at Northwood University, about Christian resistance and rebellion through the lens of the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, and how to properly understand it so as to not cause undue strife in the community.

how has trewhella defined the work of ottawa impact?

Trewhella was invited to speak at an Ottawa GOP fundraising event to support the work of Impact Impact and commented:

Their very first acts were to remove the Health Director Nazi and replace her with a sane person. They also completely abolished and eliminated the office of DEI, which is nothing more than a pipeline for racism and homo-sex.

ottawa county voters value political freedom

In response to the chaotic and controversial actions of Ottawa Impact since January 3 of 2023 the voters of the county have produced an unprecedented amount of candidates to prevent their reelection. Among the 11 commission districts 20 candidates are running and each district has at least one Democrat and one Republican candidate. This is the most candidates to run for election for the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners in at least two decades.

But the Ottawa GOP, controlled by Ottawa Impact, represents democratic backsliding when they demanded that 12 Republicans challenging Ottawa Impact candidates in the August 6th primary election withdraw from participating in local elections.

“The Ottawa County Republican Party Executive Committee denounces and condemns Conservative Ottawa PAC as opposition to the Republican Party … and demands that all endorsed candidates, members and affiliates immediately cease to run for office as Republicans.” - Ottawa County Republican Party

The only real disqualification in Michigan to not run for a local elective office is being convicted of a felony:

“A person is ineligible for election or appointment to any state or local elective office of this state and ineligible to hold a position in public employment in this state that is policy-making or that has discretionary authority over public assets if, within the immediately preceding 20 years, the person was convicted of a felony involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or a breach of the public trust and the conviction was related to the person's official capacity while the person was holding any elective office or position of employment in local, state, or federal government. This requirement is in addition to any other qualification required under this constitution or by law.” — MCL - Article XI § 8

Demanding through intimidation that 12 American citizens not participate in the democratic process of our republic is a blatant form of voter suppression,

“We…reject the Ottawa County GOP’s executive committee’s — which is controlled by Ottawa Impact — outrageous and hypocritical assertion that we Republican candidates that reject the Ottawa Impact brand withdraw from the campaign. We will not withdraw. We will not stand by and watch the Ottawa GOP and … Ottawa Impact dictate how voters should think or vote. We have primary elections for a reason and we will not tell voters how to think or act.” — opposition candidates to Ottawa Impact

To learn more about what’s happening to the Ottawa GOP click here.

In tandem with this voter suppression tactic Ottawa Impact falsely asserts there are voters restrictions when they refer to Michigan’s Primary Elections process as,

“Our Republican primary.”

The state of Michigan does not require a voter to register with a political party to vote. Therefore the state of Michigan allows that all qualified voters — regardless of political affiliation — are afforded the freedom to choose either a Democrat or a Republican on their ballot. The guideline for this process, though, make clear that a voter cannot have a “split ticket” by voting in the Democrat column and the Republican column. If that occurs the ballot becomes invalid.

Additionally they heap moral failure upon the Constitutional rights afforded to American citizens and qualified voters for simply exercising their right to vote:

“This is deceitful, this is unethical, and it is wrong.” - Brendan Muir, Ottawa County Republican Party Chair

While the Ottawa County GOP insists some voters stay out of this process — without any legal standing — they do not own how democracy functions in Ottawa County.

Ottawa Impact’s Christian Nationalism leads to anti-democratic thought and democratic backsliding.

Nick Brock, Executive Director

“Ottawa Impact’s christian nationalism used the power of government to advocate for, derive their authority from, and grant privilege to christianity; which has led to support for or indifference to democratic backsliding. these actions are simply un-american and The people of ottawa county deserve better.”